en början på en dag (english)

hey guys! so I just came down to my ordinary room and I started the "new" computer my brother put together ;) so excited to finally have my own computer in my room, even if I will get a new one when school starts. But uhm, I just got done fixing my looks ;) and now I'm kind of just waiting for my boyfriend to come over from his friend! I miss him :( I think we're just gonna hang out a bit and then later see if he can sleep over, we'll see. So far, I've just been watching a bunch of youtube-videos and slacking in bed. 
Later I think Iäm gonna go down to the store and buy me some chips ;) Yum!! Tonight'll be me stuffing myself with snacks and lots of sugar! 
But I hope you'll have a nice start of the day and I'll maybe write later, bye guys!



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