2011-08-06 00:38:39
It just feels like I'm stuck in the middle.. I can't decide which way I want to take, or which way I should take. Everybody says that I deserve so much better than you and that I should find someone else. well I did, but I still don't agree with my friends. I think that you are the best thing that ever happened to me..
Even though you hurt me, I still forgive you for everything bad that you did. I just don't know what to do at all, maybe I should just give it all up, I really don't know.
Everything would be so much easier if we could go back to when it was the two of us, no one else, just us. I can't believe I'm even saying this but... All of those texts we sent to each other, at least the ones I sent to you, they were all true and I meant every single word I wrote to you. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is..
fml big time..!
Wish me luck